What is The HockeyVerse?

The HockeyVerse is a marketing company devoted to hockey players, hockey parents and (of course) hockey fans, with one goal in mind: providing truthful information to the sport we love.

We know how expensive playing hockey has become. We also know that as Canadians there is mounting pressure to keep up with the Matthews and McDavids and sink more and more money into trainers, skills coaches and power skating instructors like never before. Knowing where to invest your time and cash can be as confusing
as it is overwhelming.

Let’s face it: not every coach has you or your child’s best interest in mind. That is why longtime NHL columnist (and proud hockey dad) Michael Traikos founded The HockeyVerse in the first place. Frustrated with the industry constantly marketing to an individual’s insecurities and profiting without any regard for results, Traikos created The HockeyVerse as a platform to shed light on the hockey industry — and call out all the unnecessary B.S.

With The HockeyVerse podcast and The ‘Verse newsletter,
you’ll go beyond the rink and take your game to the next level.